Sunday, October 21, 2012

Beautiful people.

It's sort of been a while. I know, I'm kind of horrible at making time for blogging, but I'm seriously trying to make this a top priority! I've been super busy. Because for one, my best friend CODIE IS HOME. So I've been with my friends a lot to make up for lost time. Plus, it's fall break. So FORGIVE ME.

Back to business.

I know I'm not the only person who struggles with my confidence. It's something we all do. I mean, even the most confident and secure person in the world still has their moments. There is seriously SO many things I would like to change about myself. But there comes a time in our lives where we have to stop wishing we looked like Miranda Kerr and accept ourselves for who we are.

I've had problems with my self-esteem basically my entire life. I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and absolutely hate the person who stares back at you. I'm always comparing myself to others and I'm guilty of changing for another persons acceptance. I even chopped off my long hair back in the seventh grade because I was convinced it would get people to like me. (Guess what? It didn't work and now I am extremely resentful towards my thirteen year old self because I've been growing my hair out ever since.) I even took things as far as making lists of things I needed to change to fit into a mold of what some thought was "beautiful." I had notebooks full. "Dye your hair. Buy expensive jeans. Get braces off. Lose 10 pounds. Get spray tans. Plastic surgery." Thankfully, I'm not as dramatic as I was back then, but trust me, if anyone knows what it's like to hate yourself, it's Bshawty.

But why? Why do we often feel like we need to fit into a size zero or cake on our makeup to feel good about ourselves?

That's not how it should be. Girls, I don't care if you think you are ugly. I don't care if you think you are fat. I don't care if you feel like you need to change to get somebody's attention. I don't care if you feel like you are never going to win and I don't care if you feel like you're worthless and it's the end of the world.

It isn't. And you are beautiful.

So stop shaking your head and don't even try and disagree with me. You are beautiful. You are beautiful in every single way and there isn't anyone in the world who can take that away from you.

But I know that words aren't enough and nothing I can say or do will change the way you are feeling. But you've got to love yourself. You've got to love yourself for every scar and every bruise. For every crack and every flaw. For every pound and every freckle. There is always going to be somebody who is going to judge you and who will try and make you feel worthless. But you are worth it all and if you don't realize that, you aren't ever going to be happy.

And think twice before calling someone fat or ugly. I can almost promise you that they (especially if they are a girl,) will never forget it.

So love your imperfections and love your flaws. If you didn't have them, you wouldn't be you. And You Are Amazing. And there is someone in the world who is going to love the hell out of every single piece of you.

A pretty girl is nothing with an ugly heart. What you look like isn't everything, I promise. Personalty is everything and if you have an awesome personality, then you are a beautiful person. And I would take having a beautiful soul over a beautiful face any day.

Life is too short to be at war with yourself. So don't hate yourself today, gorgeous. Go look in the mirror and smile and then count all of the things you love about yourself. And if you are having a bad day, come read this post again. Its okay not to be okay. And there will come a time where you will see everything that the world sees. And that is that you are beautiful and you are loved.

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