Sunday, March 24, 2013

Just a thought from the MIA Bshawty.

Well. I'm back. I know it's been for freaking ever since I actually blogged about something other then a GWAF's birthday. And I've gotten so many messages on tumblr asking when I would blog next and a ton of you left some suggestions which I very much appreciate! I have had the biggest writers block. I always think to myself while sitting in class or in the car about ideas I could write about on here but the second I sit down at my laptop I have no motivation. It's bad! I know! And I'm sorry. But today, I was laying in bed because HULLLLO it's sunday and what else is there to do but lay in bed and watch The Bad Girls Club, right?....

Anyway. I was laying in bed and I don't even know why but I got the most random thoughts running through my mind. Mostly about boys and relationships and all that jazz, and something kind of hit me and got me seriously deep thinking. So here it is.

You know when like someone, and you have all these things about them that you just love? And you start to memorize them and make them yours. Like the way they say your name. That's yours. And the way they move your hair out of your face to get a better look at you. That's yours, too.
But when you lose this person.. And they find someone else, these things become theirs.
The way that they rolled their eyes at you whenever you would say something stupid, that's theirs now. The way they put their hand on your knee while they drove, and tap their thumb along to the stupid music they always listen to, that's theirs now too. They way they bit your lower lip when they kissed you or the way they always remembered what you like on your sandwiches and all the movies you liked and all your favorite colors, that stuff doesn't belong to you anymore. That stuff belongs to someone else. It's no longer yours to love. It's theirs. It's all theirs. 

I just think it's kind of strange how you know all these things about a person, all the littlest things that make them so special and cute and perfect to you.. and now instead of loving and adoring those things, you have to let go and forget them. No more, they belong to her now. Not you, he's gone and so are his stupid stories and his goofy smile and his funny laugh. They are someone else's to fall inlove with and to hold on to because you couldn't. And you have to push them out of your mind and heart and give them away. I just think it's so strange.

So if you are in a relationship, you need to appreciate the little things about the person your with and realize that they may not be yours forever. One day you could lose all the things that make loving them so easy and so worth while. Because if you don't make them yours, and if you don't allow someone else to make your little things theirs, you will miss out on them and someone else will swoop in and take them right from under you. And we wouldn't want that, now would we?

That's just my thought for the night my dear readers. I hope all is well with you all and you'll be hearing from me again soon, count on it.
