Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Ten things to remember when you don't feel good enough.

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” 
― C.G. Jung

Even the most attractive, happiest,and most confident of people get that feeling sometimes. The gut wrenching feeling in the pit of your stomach when you look in the mirror. the anxiety when stepping on the scale.  the butterflies when taking a drastic risk. the voices in your head that tell you that you are undeserving, that you are worthless, that you aren't good enough. 

well listen up people! because today i'm giving you ten things to remember when you get one of those feelings. and if you take each step in and try and to apply them to yourselves, maybe, just maybe! they'll start to work. 

1. There is nothing wrong with  you. You may feel like sometimes the good outweighs the bad, but trust me, that is so far from the truth. You are so one of a kind and without you, the world really wouldn't be the same! Everybody doubts themselves and everybody has those days where they feel lousy about everything in every aspect of their life. Just because you experience those days, doesn't  mean there is something wrong with you. You are going to have bad days, actually, you're going to have A LOT of bad days. But with some bad, there is always some good! And you shouldn't blame yourself for the things you cannot change. You shouldn't blame yourself if someone doesn't see the good in you because that's their problem. Tons and tons of people think you're really great, you'd be surprised. 

2. You aren't perfect, you're human. You will make some mistakes. You might make some HUGE mistakes. But you know what?  I encourage mistakes because in the end, they turn into lessons. And some of those mistakes might turn out to be beautiful ones. I know the feeling when you try and try and try to be as perfect as possible, but give it up sista, because it's pointless! NO ONE is perfect. No one is even close. We are all terribly flawed in some sort of way, some people are just really good at faking it. So just because you may not be the brightest rose in the garden, doesn't mean you aren't beautiful in your own way. You may not be perfect, but you ARE worth it. 

3. Comparing yourselves to others is pointless. You are probably never going to be Selena Gomez or Ariana Grande. You'll probably never sing like Beyonce or have hair like Taylor Swift. You may never look like the girls in the magazines and even though that kills you, you have to accept it. There can only be ONE of everybody, which means there can only be one of you! Comparing yourself to someone  you will never be makes you fail to recognize the fact that some people want to be like YOU! And it's so true! Appreciate who you are because some of us would kill to be just like you. You would be surprised how many people are looking you like dang, I wish I could be her. I wish I could have a life like hers. So don't take advantage of what some people would do anything to just walk in your shoes for a day. 

4. The voice in your head is wrong. We are own our worst enemy and that's the dang truth. But it is time to change the voice in your head because the voice that is there now is spitting out lies, lies that you're letting yourself believe. Don't wake up telling yourself that it's going to be a bad day. Don't let yourself think that you look hideous when you look in the mirror. Don't freak yourself out while taking a big test, calling yourself stupid and doubting your intelligence. Trust me! The only thing it does is make things worse! Although it's quite easy to convince ourselves that the voices are true, they aren't!

5. Let go of everything that's weighing you down. How do you expect to fly with all that extra baggage keeping you on the ground? Negativity and past hardships should stay in the past. Better yet, they should better you! They shouldn't control your life.  Learn from them, let them change you in a positive way, and LET THEM GO. Do not make them a part of you that's going to prevent you from being happy. It is time to let them all go and to once and for all, be free. 

6. You have made it this far, and if that's not an accomplishment I don't know what is. Just think of all the times you wanted to give up, of all the times you were so done with the continuous curve balls life seemed to be throwing at you. Think of all those times you didn't want to get out bed in the morning, but did anyway. That's beautiful. You're fighting, and you still are, and you are doing just fine.

7. You are in control of your own happiness. It's never to late to change who you want to be. If you don't like something in your life, get rid of it. Pretty simple. 

8. Everybody feels this way sometimes. You are never alone and don't forget it. 

9. Time heals all wounds. Absolutely everything is temporary. So that feeling you're feeling right now?  It will get better. You'll see. 

10. You are worth it all. You are worth the fight, you are worth the time, you are worth the breath and you are worth this life. You are here for a reason and you are good enough. Even if you feel like you aren't good enough to others, it's time to say screw them and work on being good enough for yourself. One day, you'll see what others see and you will be happy. You are worth it all, never forget that.

we all have those days where all we wanna do is cry and feel bad for ourselves, and on those days, come read this post. You are good enough and one day you will realize it. until then, shine bright reader. xoxo, b. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Resolution for life.

WOOOOOAHHHH it's 2014! and let me tell you, i can hardly believe that 2013 is already behind us. where did that year go?! it seriously flew by and i can't believe this is the year I will be FREAKIN' GRADUATING. (holla to all you other class of 14 homies)

so, the beginning of the year is the time where everyone starts setting all these cheesy resolutions, like going to the gym, learning to play an instrument, doing better in school and doing better in LIFE in general. and well.... here I am to tell you that new year resolution's are stupid. so instead of having a resolution for the year, lets make a resolution for your LIFE instead.

Okay so yes, it is a new year, but it's not a new life. Everything that you attempt to leave behind yesterday will somehow haunt you tomorrow. So don't rely on a "clean slate" for things to get better. Nope, you need to stand up and MAKE things better. and here are some tips on how to do so.

So, you're holding on to something/someone that continues to bring you down and make you feel lousy and small. Even though you know you should slam the door right on their conniving faces, you continue to welcome them in with open arms. But LISTEN THE FREAK UP, no. You need to take charge and you need to realize that you don't deserve or need anything that doesn't make you feel like it's summer every damn day. You don't need anything that doesn't make you smile until it hurts and laugh until you cry. You don't need someone who plays games with your mind and your heart, and who is reckless and cruel when it comes to your feelings. Guess what, guys? It's time to slam that door, hard. Just slam it goodbye so eventually you can open a new one to something fresh and better that'll make you realize just how awesome you really are. So if you are hanging on to someone or something that really sucks, let it go (or do your best) and SMILE. Smile because you deserve to and maybe, just maybe, that smile will catch the attention of something even better.

Okay so next scenario: You don't feel pretty, you compare yourself to everyone else and you don't think you're good enough.
Geez this one is hard because everyone has those days. Me, especially. It is flippin hard to not compare yourself to others or to not feel down in the dumps sometimes. Self-love is a looooong journey that is hard to get right, but I promise you the first step to get there is to take that journey. So after you read this post, if you have second guessed yourself so much as once today, go to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself (OUT LOUD) at least three things you genuinely love about yourself. For example: I love my green eyes, I love my height and I love my ability to laugh about any situation good or bad. BOOM it's that easy. Now you try. This is a challenge I want all of you to take so, for me, give it a try! Even though feeling beautiful is the single most difficult thing ever, I promise you one way or another at least ONE person looked at you and thought, "wow they are truly lovely and wonderful."

Does the world never spin your way? Are things falling apart more often then they fall together? Do you best efforts never seem to be enough? Well listen up, because this one is for you. Life has a way of throwing things right in our face when we least expect it. One day will be full of sunshine, while the next all we see is rain clouds. Life truly does change like the wind and it's not fair! The WORST feeling ever is when things seem to start looking up for you, and then EVERYTHING falls a part right in front of you. That really is the worst and trust me! I've been there. But my dad always tells me that we make our own luck. Which is kind of difficult to believe because I honestly think I am cursed with the most terrible luck in the world even though I try and turn it around...
But what I think he means is, we get what we give. If we treat the universe like our best friend, the universe will give back! So the next time life gives you lemons, MAKE LEMONAID. Don't give up and don't get discouraged. Try, Try, try again. :) Cheesy, I know. But it's the truth!

Basically: A new year isn't going to change much. It is the start of something new, (TOTAL HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL REFERENCE NOT EVEN SORRY WHAT UP) and it is a time where we all try and want to start over on a clean slate; and although we can't run from the demons we left in 2013, we can prevent new ones from coming alive this year! So cheer up. Put a smile on your face. Delete the negative and EMBRACE the positive. Let's befriend life and try and make this year our beeeeyotch.

Hope you all had a great holiday season and I am going to try so hard to get back into the groove of blogging!

