I am Bshawty, a girl who's seventeen going on ten because I don't ever want to grow up. I am girl who dreams to leave a mark on this world, so I'm gonna start with a blog. I write because I want to prove that there is more to me than meets the eye. I may be the girl who's laughing the loudest and dancing the craziest to a Nikki Minaj song, but I'm also the girl who chooses books over clothes and who fills her notebooks up with old lyrics and corny quotes that no one will ever understand. My life is a series of hits and misses, I trip over my own two feet and things always go wrong before they go right for me. But hey, it's whatever. I can only hope that this blog can help someone for the better, because that's all I'm really going for here. Anyway, Hello. I am BraKell and I a am spontaneous, outgoing, fearless, sassy, and ridiculous. But I'm also deep, caring, genuine, passionate Aquarius who dreams to live in New York or maybe California or maybe anywhere other than Utah because I want to see what else is out there beyond these red rock mountains and Mormon churches on every block. I prefer rain over sunshine and vintage tee shirts over anything designer. I believe that if I can fix someone else, maybe I can also fix myself. And I enjoy smoothies and long walks on the beach. Just kidding. But anyway. That's me. This is my blog. This is my personal philosophy on all things that come to mind and you reading it means the world to me. So hey thanks.  

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