Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Battle With Beautiful.

beau·ti·ful (adjective)
  • Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.
  • Of a very high standard; excellent.

  • It’s hard to be beautiful — and even harder to feel beautiful. All our lives, we try to conquer the feeling of insecurity. We try and find some goodness in ourselves and it can be really hard to look in the mirror and feel 100% okay with the way you look. We try SO hard to please not only others, but also ourselves. We buy expensive makeup, we dye our hair, and we have to have the name brand jeans. We do everything we can and we try so hard because we have this crazy thought in our head that if people don't think we're beautiful, no one is going to like us.

    Especially teenagers.

    But here's the thing, girls. That definition of beautiful is bull. Because there is no definition of beauty. Beauty is everything and everywhere.

    The girl who laughs at everything including herself is beautiful.

    The girl who is kind and giving to the people around her, is beautiful.

    The girl who puts every ounce of her being into something she's passionate about, is beautiful.

    The girl who tries so hard to get through the day without falling apart and who stays strong when she has every reason to be weak, is beautiful.

    The girl who above all knows the value of a good time and doesn't take life too seriously, is beautiful.

    The girl who works hard to get what she wants, is beautiful.

    The girl who loves with her whole heart and doesn't give up no matter how many times she gets hurt, is beautiful.

    The girl reading this blog post right now, is beautiful.

    It's not about the clothing, the hair or the makeup. It's about knowing how to smile no matter what. It's about dancing around your bedroom because you're excited and not giving a crap who is watching you. It's about wearing sweats and pulling your hair on top of your head and rocking it because you just don't care. It's about the look in your eyes when you do something you love. It's about singing in the shower at the top of our lungs. It's about falling in love and not being scared of the outcome. It's about watching the rain fall. It's about kissing that one person for the first time and texting your best friends about it afterwards. It's everything about you that's make you you. It's the way you do your makeup and the way your snort when you laugh. All the little things that make you one of a kind. There is so many things that make you beautiful from the inside to the out.

    We battle beauty all of our lives. When in reality, there is no guidelines nor a judge to decide what is beautiful and what isn't. At the end of the day, the only thing we have is who we are and why not love that person? Or at least try our hardest to do so. It's easy to hate who we are, the real battle is to look in the mirror and really believe that we are beautiful just the way we are. I hope one day you can do it, reader. I really do.

    You can't lose your mind over a tiny little flaw. Guess what, honey? We've all got 'em. That doesn't make us any less beautiful. The battle we fight with ourselves to be perfect is useless. Because one will never be perfect- No matter how hard you try. Don't lose who you are because you are trying to be someone else. You are beautiful in every single way. In everything you do and in everything you say. You have beauty from your head to your toe weather you want to believe me or not. If someone tries to tell you that you aren't beautiful, don't you dare believe them. That person is the one who is ugly. They have an ugly heart and you should feel sorry for them. Beautiful is everything and anything and beautiful is you. You are beautiful and if you are having a battle with beautiful, throw up the white flag and remember that somebody is going to look at you and think that they have never seen someone as perfect as you. Someone is going to look at you and think that you are the most beautiful thing they have ever seen and you are going to realize that you are worth so much more than the voice inside your head tells you. You are more than beautiful. You are you. And that, my friend, is worth the world. Don't believe any less.

    The battle with beautiful is a battle we fight every single day. But you know what, maybe it's time we figure out that beauty has nothing to do with how we look on the outside. If you start to love yourself, people will begin to love you too. A confident girl is a beautiful girl and NO ONE will ever be able to tell you different. So keep that gorgeous head of yours up and conquer your battle. Because you can do it. 

    So let's write a new definition to the word "beautiful," Okay readers? How about this: 



    Speaking of beautiful things, can I just add Harry Styles into this? Geez, man. Be my boyfriend, maybe?

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