Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Because I support it.

Alright readers. I've got some important things to cover here.
And before I'm going to get into it, click this link right here because Macklemore can preach it a lot better than I'll be able to. But heck, I'm going to try.

Gay Marriage.
Whaaaaa? Did we hear you correctly Bshawty? Are you seriously going to talk about this right now? Yes. I am going to talk about this right now. And if that makes you feel uncomfortable or if this is not something you would like to read, feel free to click X and go on with your day. But regardless this is going down.
Some, or actually quite many, believe that homosexuality is wrong. Some people believe that it is a choice, or a result of bad parenting, or an illness. Many people in this world overlook the fact that actually, homosexuality is love. It may not be the same love that we feel, but its actually not all that different either. The world we live in is a crazy place full of crazy people. People who are closed minded, ignorant, judgmental, and to be quite frank, stupid. If we could only put ourselves in their shoes, I know for a fact that most of us wouldn't last a day. These people are constantly taunted and humiliated for simply being who they are. To be gay is not something that you can cure. It is not something that you can fall to your knees and pray to god that it is going to go away. If you know someone who is gay and you become so disgusted that they would choose to be something so repulsive to you, you definitely need to get over yourself. Who would choose a life like that? I certainly wouldn't. And I know you wouldn't either.
Let's role play for a moment. Pretend that you meet someone who is perfect for you. For the first time in your life, you feel complete and total happiness and you want to be with them forever. But picture someone coming up to you and saying, "Oh, sorry. I don't understand why you love this person so no. You can't marry them. Sucks to suck, see you later." How would you feel? I'm sorry, but there is no right or wrong way to be inlove. Love is LOVE and why should we punish two people for being happy? We shouldn't. And what is it to you? Why does it matter to you? They aren't hurting you. And if they are, maybe YOU are the one who needs help.
Some of you may argue that in the bible it straight up says that gay marriage is not what god wants from us and that it's wrong and hell is to pay. Well.. what I have to say to that is I don't think that is at all true. Because if God loves us as much as he says he does, he would never turn away one of his children for being who they are. We are all children of God and regardless, that is between god and his child who just so happens to like the same sex. Its not your businesses, nor is it mine.

This is freakin' AMERICA people. This entire country was built around equality and peace. But it's defiantly not how it is these days. Our Nation is full of racism, hate, and ignorance. You may think that gay marriage is wrong, but do you want to know what I think is wrong? Hating something so strongly just because you simply do not understand.

And if you hate someone because you do not understand them, that doesn't define who they are. It defines who you are.

Growing up in a town that is so centered around religion, I am constantly hearing that supporting this issue is not what my heavenly father wants me to do. But I was born a very open minded and loving person. I will not judge you because of the color of your skin or who you prefer to love. That ain't me. And if that's you, you are sinning as well. Because heavenly father also encourages us not to judge others. So I hope your on your knees repenting at night for being so ignorant and judgmental because I KNOW God isn't proud of you for being so amazingly cruel. Human rights are for every single human on this planet. Gay or straight. White or black. Asian or Mexican. Mormon or Catholic. Love is love and who's to judge someone based on whom they love? No one has the rights to do that. Gays have feelings too. And them getting married isn't hurting anyone. Having said that, love has no gender. So let's stop saying that marriage is only an advantage for a man and a women.

I completely support this topic because I believe in equality and I believe that everyone deserves a shot at happiness. I like boys and if you're a boy and you decide that you like boys too, well awesome. And if you're a girl who likes girls, that's great. Good for you. Congratulations for being who you are. Because I know most of these kids who are giving you a hard time are so damn terrified to be true to themselves they don't even know who they are in the first place. You know exactly who you are. You know exactly who you love. And you shouldn't let a close minded, jerk of a person take that away from you.

I'm going to end this blog post by saying that if my son or daughter came to me one day in the future and said, "Mom, I'm gay." I would look them straight in the eye and I would say, "And I love you just as much."



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