I would like to have a talk with you today about girls. As a girl myself, I know plenty about the way us mysterious creatures work. And I'm going to help you out.
High school relationships. Most don't work out. Most of us think that they are absolutely ridiculous and a waste of time. But some of us get lucky and as we fall into our first real and true love, It begins to form in what could be for the rest of our lives. Or at least it feels that way, any how. (HELLO SHANTEL AND DESHON.)
Some of us are like, no way no how are we ever going to get sucked in into what an emotional disaster that is a high school relationship. They are messy and they are irrelevant and we think they are never going to make it. But then we come across someone who changes the entire way we see the game. They say the right things and they make us feel all sorts of things we didn't think was possible. They come along and they bring out the best in us. And before you know it, you are head over heels.
But sometimes we fall for a person who is wrong for us. We fall for a person who tells you want to hear because that's just their personality. We call these kids, flirts. They don't mean much by the sweet nothings they say, but to you, it means more then they will ever know.
This is why boys, I'm writing this to you. Because even the strongest and the most arrogant and the coolest of us all have a fragile heart. You can disagree all you want because girls are drama right? Because nothing good will ever come out of a high school relationship, right? Because high school is high school and we only have so much time and none of this will ever matter to us in the future right? Think what you must! But you would be surprised to know that maybe one of the greatest things in life is to love and be loved in return. We too often let our hearts pick the ones who look the best and who have the coolest reputation instead of whats inside of their soul. So I'm going to break it down for you, guys, so listen up. Here is the kind of ladies that you should be chasing. Here are the kind of girls who will be worth it in the long run. So stand by.
- Pick a girl who knows how to laugh. The kind of girl who can trip straight on her face and crack up at herself instead of feel like an idiot. If she's got a great sense of humor, you are set for life. A girl who gets your jokes instead of makes fun of them. A girl who laughs at everything and nothing at all. A girl who can keep you laughing is a girl who can keep you happy.
- Pick a girl who's a thinker. No one likes those ditsy girls who thinks playing dumb makes them adorable. Those girls suck. Pick a girl who can carry out a conversation with you and who tries her hardest to remember the little things about you that makes you so great. Girls who will think of the way you feel and try to understand it. Pick a girl who can thrill you by the ridiculous and crazy things that come out of her mouth. A thinker is def the way to go.
- Pick a girl who's confident. It gets exhausting when you are constantly trying to convince a person they're special. We all have our moments of insecurity and hey, that's okay. But confidence is sexy. Confidence shows that you are completely comfortable with who you are and no one is going to take that away from you. A confident person means that they are a happy person and they are willing to take risks and try new things regardless if they are making a fool out of themselves in the process. Pick a girl who's confident and who knows who she is.
- Pick a girl who's genuine. A girl who stays true to her loved ones and you know you can rely on. Don't let yourself fall for some sketchy chick who flirts up a storm with everybody in town and who you are constantly stressing over. If she's keeping it real with you, and if she's keeping it real with herself, you are in store for a solid relationship. Sketchy chicks can hit the road, see ya.
- Pick a girl who's fun. Someone who won't just want to stay at home and keep you from your friends. That gets real old, real quick. Find a girl who LOVES to be around people and who loves to try new things and who can make the best out of any situation. Pick a girl who you have a good time with and who you enjoy to be around.
- Pick a girl who tries. No one is perfect and that is the truest statement in the universe. But you know what, us girls try our best. We wake up in the morning and we put our makeup on and we curl our hair and we get dressed because we want people to like us. We do it for you. So don't expect us to wake up in the morning looking like Blake Lively. But know, that we try and a girl who tries is a girl who's worth it. All she wants is to be good enough for you and if that isn't flattering I don't know what else is.
- Pick a girl who loves you. A girl who will do just about anything to see you happy and who would do absolutely anything you ask because she cares that much. Just pick someone who cares in general. Don't waste your time chasing someone who has zero intention of you ever catching up with them. Let yourself be happy with a person who wants just that for you. Who will put you before herself and who will always be there to count on. Who will risk things for you and who will make you feel important. Who makes you feel good about yourself and who will never hurt you. Pick a girl who loves you.
- Pick a girl who makes you feel alive. A girl who sings in the shower as loud as she can even though she can't carry a tune. A girl who dances on tables and who you sometimes can't stand but you wouldn't change a thing about her. Because she is ridiculous. And she's goofy. And she's awkward. But she puts color in your little world of black and white. She kisses you in the middle of a sentence and she doesn't play any games except when necessary. She isn't easy to get but she's very easy to keep. She makes you work for the first kiss and she drives you insane. But pick a girl who makes you feel all sort of emotion. A girl you are afraid to lose because you know after she's long gone, you'll never find another person who can make you feel like she did. Pick a girl who calls you baby and who listens to happy music and who reads book and who writes in journals and who would rather spend hours in the passenger sent of your car rather than anywhere in the entire world. Pick a girl who shines from the inside. Who has a kind heart and who you hate to see cry and who can brighten your day with something simple as a hello.
Pick a girl who's worth it, handsome. Pick a girl who you deserve. Don't chase the ones who are too busy chasing someone else and who banish you into the forbidden place which is the Friend Zone. Pick a girl who is what you want and who makes you happy. And don't be too stubborn to give love a try. Because you never know what could happen.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving holiday! Let's gain some weight tomorrow, yeah?
Much love readers, I appreciate you all more than you know. If you ever need a thing, Don't be afraid to hollar at your friend Bshawty.
My dear friend Shantel and her boyfriend Deshon. Basically the high school execption and the cutest dang couple in history of earth. ♥♥
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