Saturday, December 1, 2012

Novemeber Favorites.

End of Novemeber already? I swear you guys, time is FLYING. Like I swear it was Novemeber first just yesterday. And now we are on to my most favorite time of the year, Christmas! Decemeber is full of blissful things and I am more than ready!  But before we can slide in to Decemeber, I gotta mention some of my fav's of Novemeber. It was a good month and I discovered lots of new things (and new people) which is always a good time. So lets get to the good stuff.

  • Sadies was this month! I took one of my really good friends Jordan. He was such a blast and he's one of the funniest kids I know! My group was AMAZING! We all got along so great. The group included: Me and Jordan, Lilly and Bridger, Codie and Devan, Baylee and Austin, Shantel and Deshon, Bayley and Kadan, Aspyn and Ruger, Kenzie and Jerry, Kennedy and Fischer, And Delaney and Jaden. We all got along so well and I haven't laughed like that in ages. It was one of my most favorite dances and our group is SCANDALOUS to say the least. ;)

  • Alright, so I have mentioned before that I reccently moved into a new house, which I absaloutely love and adore BTW, and the backyard is ginormous. We have a great deck and a pool and it's going to be sweet in the Summer. But right now for Winter, Kick backs is my latest thing. St. G can get pretty boring. But you can't go wrong with a firebit, acoustic guitars, and a group of great people just chillin and having a relaxed time. My house is the perfect kickback spot. And I'm hopeing that I'll be famous around this time for hosting them. So kickbacks at the Bshawty resident def makes the list for a November favorite!

  • Beenies on beenies on beenies on beenies on beenies. I. Am. Obsessed. First of all, it's a total excuse to get away with not doing your hair. Couldn't get better then that! Execpet a boy in a beenie. That's a little better.

  • Books. I'm telling you, readers, you can never go wrong with a rainy day, a warm sweatshirt, and a good book. Books are my first love. I could spend hours in barnes and noble with a peppermint mocah and a John Green novel. If you are really looking for an AMAZING book, read "The Fault In Our Stars" By John Green. It is freakin' amazing. I can't even begin to tell you the effect that book has on my life. It's geninus. Pure genius.

  • Speaking of books, I saw one of my favs, Perks Of Being A Wallflower made into a movie this month. And I died. The movie was perfect! It captured the book perfectly and it even got me to shed a tear or two. If you want a REAL life changer, go see the movie while you can. Or better yet, READ IT.

  • So I'm guilty. I have offially jumped on the One Direction bandwagon. And I fully blame "Little Things" because it is so adorable. And they are pretty easy on the eyes as well. I mean, have you SEEN Harry Styles? I can't even deal. Too cute for words.

  • So guess what? I don't have my drivers license. BUT I AM ALMOST DONE WITH DRIVERS ED. Which I am GIDDY about. I'm about to go insane having a cute car and no cute license to go along with it. CarShawty wants to be seen around the town, ya know? But Drivers Ed is on this list because it's going to make me an extremely happy girl in a couple of weeks. If I pass my test... that is...

  • Dark Hair, don't care. I've had highlights in my hair since April of last year and it was time for a change. So I'm back to being a full brunette and it feels dang good. Cause brunettes do it better, obviously.

  • Owls. Alright, if you really know me, you know that I am obsessed with owls. But I just thought I would mention it this month because I keep seeing the cutest pictures on tumblr. So I had to share. Owls are MY FAVORITE.

  • Infinity scarves. Cozy, Warm, and most of all, super cute. What's not to love?

  • Catching up with old friends. I just love that. I love when you get a random text from someone you haven't spoken to in a while asking how you are. It really just makes my whole entire day. I came in contact with a perticular person this month and it seriously made me soooo happy to know they still think about me. Warms my heart actually :)

  • Pitch Perfect. If you haven't seen it yet, you are seriously missing out. Fat Amy is pure gold!

  • Novmeber was a month to be thankful. And I'm thankful for my family, friends, a roof over my head, food on my table, God, and everyone who reads my blog. So thank you, you beautiful amazing human beings for taking time out of your day to take the time to listen to what I have to say. Means the world to me, really does.

Oh Decemeber, please be good to us! I really hope the world doesn't end. I'd like to turn 17 in February ya know?

Bshawty.  Hello DECEMBER!

Jordan and I :)

The group.
(From The Fault In Our Stars)

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