Monday, October 22, 2012

10 Reasons to Let Go.

We all have that one person.
The one person who made us feel special.
The one person who made us laugh when we didn't even want to smile.
The one person who came along and squeezed their way straight into our hearts, without even trying.
The one person who could make our whole week by just saying "hello."
The one person who made is so easy to fall in love with them.
The one person who you compare every person to, but no one could ever come close to how they made you feel.
The one person who understood. The one person who got you better then you got yourself.
And the one person, who regardless of how much you gave, how hard you tried, and how much you wanted them, left.

The one person who broke your heart and who made you feel so insignificant and broken you couldn't even get out of bed some days.

The one person who can hurt you over and over again, but at the end of the day you don't care because they meant that much to you.

The one person who's happiness is always put before your own.

The one person who took everything and gave nothing.

The one person who lied to you and betrayed you.

I know someone came to mind. We all have that one person who changed everything. And when that person decides they don't want you anymore, it's tough stuff. It's hard to let go once you find a person who makes you feel good and happy, but I promise letting go is the door to becoming a stronger and happier you. You have to understand this, and even though it's hard and you might be timid, Here's 10 reasons why letting go is the best option.

REASON #1. Okay. Let's start by getting real: Odds are, they don't and won't ever want you. I know it's so hard to hear and I know you might be thinking, "No, I know they care about me! I know one day they're going to wake up and want to be with me!" I can almost guarantee that most of the time, this will never happen. If they don't know from the beginning.. They won't ever know. Don't even waste your time. It's not worth the energy and effort to try and convince someone to be in love with you. Why would you want someone you have to CONVINCE that you are worth loving? Recognize that you're settling and that you deserve more. Set a higher standard for yourself

REASON #2. DON'T WAIT AROUND FOR ANYBODY. If this person has let you down time and time again, what makes you think they are going to change? What makes you think that tomorrow they are going to stop playing with your heart and they are going to call you up and tell you how wrong they've been all along? These people don't care. They LOVE that they have you on the back burner whenever they are lonely and need someone to hook up with. They aren't going to ever change. Not for you, anyway.

REASON #3. Take a moment and really think about this one: Does this person even sincerely make you happy? And be honest with your answer. Don't get wrapped in the great things they used to do. Okay, sweet, one time they told you how amazing you were and they did all these super nice things for you and it just made you so happy! But are they doing these things now? Don't over weigh the good things with the bad. I'm sure this person is a wonderful and awesome person, but don't forget the wrong they have done to you just because you miss the good.

REASON #4. By losing a relationship or losing a person you "love", You also lose trust. I do this too. I find it really hard to believe that someone has legit feelings for me after being hurt so many times. But by letting go of a person who made you untrusting and guarded, it's a chance to learn how to trust again. And not only others, but yourself. Not every person is going to hurt you just because one person did.

REASON #5. An important thing you need to take out of letting someone go is a lesson. Forgive, but never forget. Just because this person rambles on and on about how sorry they are for doing you wrong, that doesn't change the fact that they did it. Remember that everyone deserves a second chance. And if you're anything like me.. You're the type of person who is willing to give third and fourth and fifth and sixth and even more chances then that, but I've learned that it's a very foolish thing to do. It just puts you back in the same losing battle that you are probably too exhausted to fight anymore.

REASON #6. Get rid of the emotional hold they have on you. Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, It's a lot easier said then done. But to do this, you have to cut them out of your life. So unfollow them on twitta. Instagram? Forget about it. Want to take things as far as defriending them on FaceBook? Go right ahead. You don't owe this person anything as far as I'm concerned. And there is no way you will get over them by stalking them 24/7. This is the biggest step to get them out of your head, but more importantly, your heart as well. Focus on nothing but you and your happiness for right now.

Reason #7. Do the things that make you happy. Get out of the house. The reason to do this is so you can remember who you are and what makes you feel good about yourself. You deserve it after being put through what this person put you through. Do the things that you want and don't you dare put any ones happiness before your own. One of the greatest things about breaking down and hitting bottom is being able to start over and strive to get to the top again. And once you do get to the top, my love, Everything will be amazing. And you will be the happiest you have ever been.

REASON #8. Like I said before, you are going to learn something from this. Make sure to better yourself from the failed relationship and become stronger then you were before. You are going to realize how much better off you are without this person, even though right now you might think you are never going to get over this person you will. If I can let go of the boy who broke my heart I know anyone can. The most important thing, one day you are going to thank this person for breaking your heart like this. It's going to make you into a stronger person then you ever thought you could be. And the day that you realize all of this, is going to be one of the best days you'll ever have.  

REASON #9. Believe it or not, there is a possibility that this person is going to regret everything. And hopefully by then you'll be a strong enough person to rise above it and turn them away. Usually when this happens, it's when they see that you are in a good place in your life and that you're perfectly fine without them. This annoys them because they thought you would always be there for them to fall back on, and when you aren't anymore, they will be the ones wishing things ended differently.

Reason #10. Last but not least, Letting go is always for the best. It's hard and I know it is. But if this person really wanted to be with you, what would stop them? And by closing one door, you have a chance to open another. And maybe that door has something in store that is so amazing you couldn't even believe it. Don't hold on to something that's already gone. Let go and Let yourself heal and be happy.

Take it for someone who's been there and done that. It's a rough thing to go through but I can honestly say after getting through and moving on from a person who didn't treat me the way I deserved to be treated, I am such a better and stronger person. You can do it and when you do, you'll wonder what took you so long in the first place.

XOXOX Beautiful readers,

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