Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October Favorites.

Happy Tuesday, dolls.
Guess what tomorrow is? Halloween. That's what. AND I AM STOOOOOKKKEEEEDDDD. I'm being Harry Potter. Because I'm cool like dat.

But anyway. I decided my blog is kind of too ocean deep. So I'm going to try and throw some fun stuff as well as the advice/thoughts/opinions. Because I'm a pretty fun person if you haven't noticed.... Hahahahahaha I'm super lame today don't worry.

Okay so here's the plan: Every month I'm going to chat about the things I discovered or loved during that month. So here we go with starting with October. Ready?

  • So this month, I discovered the closest thing to heaven that us earthlings get to experience: PUMPKIN SPICE. Oh my gosh guys. I can't even tell you. It's like the most wonderful thing I've ever tasted. Lilly was the one who bought it for me the first time and it's pretty safe to say that it was gone within 3 minutes. So shout out to Lil for granting happiness to my taste buds.

  • You all can agree with me on this one: Taylor Swift's Red. I AM SO FRIGGEN IN LOVE! My favorites are "I Almost Do" "The Last Time" "22" "The Moment I Knew" "All Too Well" "Stay Stay Stay" And "Ronan" is enough to make me cry like a baby. You have done it again, T Swift. You have done it again.

  • Austin Best. You know what? He's not even just an October favorite. He's a yearly favorite. But he has just been so dang funny this month I have to include him.

  • Orange. Kit. Kats. I seriously look forward to these bad boys all year. I always buy a huge bag to myself because I love them so much. Baylee and I spent an entire Sunday driving around and stuffing our faces.

  • Paranormal Activity. These movies are my favorite ever. The fourth was CRAZY and my nights have been pretty sleepless since but I love a good scare. But Aunt Katie and Robby, stay away from me.

  • Wedding bliss! My dad recently proposed to his girlfriend of five years and we've been getting ready for the wedding ever since. I'm a wedding sucker and I seriously can't wait. It's two weeks away and it's been so much fun to help plan and my dress is gorgeous. So hey, that's sure a plus. :)

  • The chilly air is finally coming about. Which means I get to start breaking out the over sized hoodies. Which means I am one happy Bshawty. I love this time of year so much you have no idea.

  • The Stahlei Farm! Haunted houses are my shiz. I wanted to go to the fright dome in Vegas so badly this year but sadly we didn't make it up there before Halloween. But the field of screams is always a blast. It's kind of lame but the Chainsaw gets me every time. I actually fell straight on my face and my friend Devan had to actually carry me past it. Hahahahah, typical B.

  • AFAA. My close guy friends started their own "GWAF" and I can't get over how much I love these kids. This past month we've all grown super close and I couldn't be happier with the way things are right now. So if Ryan, Devan, Joe, Austin, Kadan, or Jerry is reading this: I love you all. and GWAFAA can't be stopped.

  • My baby cousin Lincoln turned one last week. AND he's starting to walk. Basically, I think of this baby as my child and I freaking love him. Like he's the cutest thing to ever walk this planet.


  • Speaking of GWAF, Codie moved back this month. I am so glad because I missed her terribly and it finally feels like GWAF is complete again. We are all closer than ever and I literally wouldn't trade what I have with GWAF for anything. Not even you Justin Bieber. Well.. um.. Maybe.. No actually I love GWAF more. (I think.)

  • Kellin Quinn. He's the love of my life. Don't know who that is? Go on to youtube and search "Iris cover by Sleeping with Sirens" and you will pick up what I'm puttin down, Nah mean? He's gods gift to the earth and he is BEAUTIFUL. Maybe I just think so because I'm totally into the tattoos and punk look, but really, he's an angel on the eyes. My eyes anyway, ;)

  • Sadies. It's two weeks away and we've been planning like crazy. I can't wait! Sadies is my favorite dance ever. Last year it was Uh-may-zing. And I hope this year goes the same!

Alright well. That's all for today. I know this was kind of lame but I just think it's a good way to entwine some fun stuff with the deep stuff. I hope you guys had an amazing month of October and let's hope that November goes just as swell. Happy Halloween everyone! Have a safe and amazing time tomorrow. (Even though it's on a freakin' Wednesday..psh.)


Corn Maze


(How I asked my date to sadies.. HA)

(MY future husband Kellin Quinn. Even though he's married with a child..)

Lincoln Brooks ♥

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Growing up.

   Like I've said before, High school doesn't last forever.
These Friday nights we hold on to so dearly, they are limited.
These football games and these bonfires and these Midnight Denny's runs and these sand volleyball games and these coming home late and getting yelled at by mom and dad are limited. Nothing lasts forever, and regardless of how tight we are holding on to our adolescents and glory years, they are going quick, and we have to let go.

I honestly can't believe how fast it all went by. It seems like just yesterday I was on a playground swing set as a fifth grader and now I'm a junior in high school with a whole life ahead of me. It's crazy, it seriously is. One more year and I'm on my own. It's actually kind of nerve wrecking.

The truth is, from a young age, all we want to do is grow up. We're so stoked to hit the road and be on our own. When you're young you look at all of the older kids and you just can't wait to be old enough to be able to do what the big kids do. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the future, we forget what is so wonderful about the present.

I look at my baby sister and I just envy her. She's nine years old and she's beautiful. She wears a polka dot backpack and pig tails. She steals my makeup and has puppy posters and a bright pink bedroom. She tells me she wants to be the next Taylor Swift and I always catch her alone in front of the mirror dancing and singing her little heart out. She is so innocent and young, and all she wants to do is be like me. She tells me all the time that when she's my age she's going to have a group of friends just like GWAF and she's going to call herself "Rshawty" And she'll have tons of boyfriends and be the most popular girl in the school. But I just want to sit her down and tell her to value how young she is. I just want to tell her to keep playing with brats dolls and keep wearing hair bows in her hair and stop trying to be so much like me and more like her. She has so much to experience and she has so much time to become who she wants to be, and I don't want to lose my baby sister. Because to me, that's what she will always be, my baby sister.

I'm not a little kid anymore. I don't wear a polka dot backpack or pigtails. I don't spend every Friday night playing barbies and polly pockets like I used to. I don't go through the day catching lady bugs and running around the backyard like I used to. I know how to ride a bike and I know how to tie my shoes. I pick out my own clothes and I'm interested in spending time with boys other then my dad. I'm not a princess of a castle anymore, you know? I'm growing up everyday and it's unavoidable and it's scary but its a way of life.

High school is going to be over soon. I'm not going to see these people I see everyday probably ever again. There will be no more football games and there will be no more sand volleyball or sleepovers or Homecomings or swig runs after school or coming home to my family every night and hopping in a bed my mom made for me. This is all coming to an end soon enough and that's something we all have to accept.

Honestly, I'm scared. I'm scared for the class of 2013 to graduate because there are so many amazing people that I love and adore who will be leaving on missions or to college. And I'm not ready to be without some of them. I'm just not ready.
I know I have some time to worry about this considering it's barely Second quarter, but I can't get over it lately.

Growing up is tough. People change and everyone grows in different ways. High school seriously changes everyone. In both good ways and bad. But now is a time where we are all figuring our lives out. The small things happen to be the big things and we all strive to be accepted and liked and to wear the right clothes and listen to the right music and hang out with the right crowd. But we can't get caught up in the fact that maybe the person you're used to isn't that way anymore. The truth is.. We have to forgive each other for growing up.

There will come a time where we look back and all we will want is high school. We are going to hate how fast it went by and we are going to miss going out every night with the best people we ever known. And if you are currently a friend of mine or in my life at all, Just know you are some of the best people I have ever known. And I love you to bits and pieces and I know I will look back and smile when I remember my teenage years because you were in them. Life is so hard and so is love and so is growing up, but we have to believe in these things and we have to enjoy them regardless. And if you are in my life, you have helped me enjoy them. And I love all of my friends with every space in my heart.

This is getting so corny. I know, forgive me guys! I don't know why I'm so emotional today. I'm just one of those people who hates change. I'm always talking about how stoked I am to turn 18 and peace out of the good ol' 435, but this is my home. This place is where my heart is. It's where I learned my lessons and gained some scars and had the best times of my life.

I wish I could take all of my friends and run off to Neverland with Peter Pan but that's obviously not the case. But we are all in this Growing up thing together, and although I can't be sixteen forever, I know I will remember all the goodness it brought me for the rest of my life.

And a word of advice to all you kiddos out there, Take a good listen to "Never grow up" By the angel that is Taylor Swift. and just try and never grow up, it's not as glamorous as it's made out to be.


Friday, October 26, 2012

Happy weekend lovers!

I hope you all have an fantastic weekend! Keep those pretty smiles on your face and live it up. Thank you for reading my blog, it means the absaloute world to me and I just hope some of you can relate to what I have to say. If you are currently reading this, Just know I adore you. NOW LET'S HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AND BE HAPPY, YEAH?

(Who is this boy and where can I get one?) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


Monday, October 22, 2012

10 Reasons to Let Go.

We all have that one person.
The one person who made us feel special.
The one person who made us laugh when we didn't even want to smile.
The one person who came along and squeezed their way straight into our hearts, without even trying.
The one person who could make our whole week by just saying "hello."
The one person who made is so easy to fall in love with them.
The one person who you compare every person to, but no one could ever come close to how they made you feel.
The one person who understood. The one person who got you better then you got yourself.
And the one person, who regardless of how much you gave, how hard you tried, and how much you wanted them, left.

The one person who broke your heart and who made you feel so insignificant and broken you couldn't even get out of bed some days.

The one person who can hurt you over and over again, but at the end of the day you don't care because they meant that much to you.

The one person who's happiness is always put before your own.

The one person who took everything and gave nothing.

The one person who lied to you and betrayed you.

I know someone came to mind. We all have that one person who changed everything. And when that person decides they don't want you anymore, it's tough stuff. It's hard to let go once you find a person who makes you feel good and happy, but I promise letting go is the door to becoming a stronger and happier you. You have to understand this, and even though it's hard and you might be timid, Here's 10 reasons why letting go is the best option.

REASON #1. Okay. Let's start by getting real: Odds are, they don't and won't ever want you. I know it's so hard to hear and I know you might be thinking, "No, I know they care about me! I know one day they're going to wake up and want to be with me!" I can almost guarantee that most of the time, this will never happen. If they don't know from the beginning.. They won't ever know. Don't even waste your time. It's not worth the energy and effort to try and convince someone to be in love with you. Why would you want someone you have to CONVINCE that you are worth loving? Recognize that you're settling and that you deserve more. Set a higher standard for yourself

REASON #2. DON'T WAIT AROUND FOR ANYBODY. If this person has let you down time and time again, what makes you think they are going to change? What makes you think that tomorrow they are going to stop playing with your heart and they are going to call you up and tell you how wrong they've been all along? These people don't care. They LOVE that they have you on the back burner whenever they are lonely and need someone to hook up with. They aren't going to ever change. Not for you, anyway.

REASON #3. Take a moment and really think about this one: Does this person even sincerely make you happy? And be honest with your answer. Don't get wrapped in the great things they used to do. Okay, sweet, one time they told you how amazing you were and they did all these super nice things for you and it just made you so happy! But are they doing these things now? Don't over weigh the good things with the bad. I'm sure this person is a wonderful and awesome person, but don't forget the wrong they have done to you just because you miss the good.

REASON #4. By losing a relationship or losing a person you "love", You also lose trust. I do this too. I find it really hard to believe that someone has legit feelings for me after being hurt so many times. But by letting go of a person who made you untrusting and guarded, it's a chance to learn how to trust again. And not only others, but yourself. Not every person is going to hurt you just because one person did.

REASON #5. An important thing you need to take out of letting someone go is a lesson. Forgive, but never forget. Just because this person rambles on and on about how sorry they are for doing you wrong, that doesn't change the fact that they did it. Remember that everyone deserves a second chance. And if you're anything like me.. You're the type of person who is willing to give third and fourth and fifth and sixth and even more chances then that, but I've learned that it's a very foolish thing to do. It just puts you back in the same losing battle that you are probably too exhausted to fight anymore.

REASON #6. Get rid of the emotional hold they have on you. Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking, It's a lot easier said then done. But to do this, you have to cut them out of your life. So unfollow them on twitta. Instagram? Forget about it. Want to take things as far as defriending them on FaceBook? Go right ahead. You don't owe this person anything as far as I'm concerned. And there is no way you will get over them by stalking them 24/7. This is the biggest step to get them out of your head, but more importantly, your heart as well. Focus on nothing but you and your happiness for right now.

Reason #7. Do the things that make you happy. Get out of the house. The reason to do this is so you can remember who you are and what makes you feel good about yourself. You deserve it after being put through what this person put you through. Do the things that you want and don't you dare put any ones happiness before your own. One of the greatest things about breaking down and hitting bottom is being able to start over and strive to get to the top again. And once you do get to the top, my love, Everything will be amazing. And you will be the happiest you have ever been.

REASON #8. Like I said before, you are going to learn something from this. Make sure to better yourself from the failed relationship and become stronger then you were before. You are going to realize how much better off you are without this person, even though right now you might think you are never going to get over this person you will. If I can let go of the boy who broke my heart I know anyone can. The most important thing, one day you are going to thank this person for breaking your heart like this. It's going to make you into a stronger person then you ever thought you could be. And the day that you realize all of this, is going to be one of the best days you'll ever have.  

REASON #9. Believe it or not, there is a possibility that this person is going to regret everything. And hopefully by then you'll be a strong enough person to rise above it and turn them away. Usually when this happens, it's when they see that you are in a good place in your life and that you're perfectly fine without them. This annoys them because they thought you would always be there for them to fall back on, and when you aren't anymore, they will be the ones wishing things ended differently.

Reason #10. Last but not least, Letting go is always for the best. It's hard and I know it is. But if this person really wanted to be with you, what would stop them? And by closing one door, you have a chance to open another. And maybe that door has something in store that is so amazing you couldn't even believe it. Don't hold on to something that's already gone. Let go and Let yourself heal and be happy.

Take it for someone who's been there and done that. It's a rough thing to go through but I can honestly say after getting through and moving on from a person who didn't treat me the way I deserved to be treated, I am such a better and stronger person. You can do it and when you do, you'll wonder what took you so long in the first place.

XOXOX Beautiful readers,

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Beautiful people.

It's sort of been a while. I know, I'm kind of horrible at making time for blogging, but I'm seriously trying to make this a top priority! I've been super busy. Because for one, my best friend CODIE IS HOME. So I've been with my friends a lot to make up for lost time. Plus, it's fall break. So FORGIVE ME.

Back to business.

I know I'm not the only person who struggles with my confidence. It's something we all do. I mean, even the most confident and secure person in the world still has their moments. There is seriously SO many things I would like to change about myself. But there comes a time in our lives where we have to stop wishing we looked like Miranda Kerr and accept ourselves for who we are.

I've had problems with my self-esteem basically my entire life. I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and absolutely hate the person who stares back at you. I'm always comparing myself to others and I'm guilty of changing for another persons acceptance. I even chopped off my long hair back in the seventh grade because I was convinced it would get people to like me. (Guess what? It didn't work and now I am extremely resentful towards my thirteen year old self because I've been growing my hair out ever since.) I even took things as far as making lists of things I needed to change to fit into a mold of what some thought was "beautiful." I had notebooks full. "Dye your hair. Buy expensive jeans. Get braces off. Lose 10 pounds. Get spray tans. Plastic surgery." Thankfully, I'm not as dramatic as I was back then, but trust me, if anyone knows what it's like to hate yourself, it's Bshawty.

But why? Why do we often feel like we need to fit into a size zero or cake on our makeup to feel good about ourselves?

That's not how it should be. Girls, I don't care if you think you are ugly. I don't care if you think you are fat. I don't care if you feel like you need to change to get somebody's attention. I don't care if you feel like you are never going to win and I don't care if you feel like you're worthless and it's the end of the world.

It isn't. And you are beautiful.

So stop shaking your head and don't even try and disagree with me. You are beautiful. You are beautiful in every single way and there isn't anyone in the world who can take that away from you.

But I know that words aren't enough and nothing I can say or do will change the way you are feeling. But you've got to love yourself. You've got to love yourself for every scar and every bruise. For every crack and every flaw. For every pound and every freckle. There is always going to be somebody who is going to judge you and who will try and make you feel worthless. But you are worth it all and if you don't realize that, you aren't ever going to be happy.

And think twice before calling someone fat or ugly. I can almost promise you that they (especially if they are a girl,) will never forget it.

So love your imperfections and love your flaws. If you didn't have them, you wouldn't be you. And You Are Amazing. And there is someone in the world who is going to love the hell out of every single piece of you.

A pretty girl is nothing with an ugly heart. What you look like isn't everything, I promise. Personalty is everything and if you have an awesome personality, then you are a beautiful person. And I would take having a beautiful soul over a beautiful face any day.

Life is too short to be at war with yourself. So don't hate yourself today, gorgeous. Go look in the mirror and smile and then count all of the things you love about yourself. And if you are having a bad day, come read this post again. Its okay not to be okay. And there will come a time where you will see everything that the world sees. And that is that you are beautiful and you are loved.

Monday, October 15, 2012

And just like that, Summer collapsed into fall.

I love Fall. Like honestly, I pretty much live for it. There's just something about this time of year that makes me so happy. I don't know if its the fact that Starbucks is carrying Pumpkin Spice or that Sweater weather is right around the corner. There really is so many things to love about this season. But I can't say there's not apart of me that misses the sweetness that was this past summer. It's pretty safe to say Summer 2012 was by far the best summer I've ever had. Like honestly, I can't even explain it. It's not like I went anywhere or that I did anything that was THAT exciting, but It was perfect. Everything fell together and I will never forget how amazing it truly and honestly was.
But all good things come to an end, and I know next summer will be even better.

So goodbye Bikini tops and booty shorts, Hello over sized sweatshirts and leg warmers.

Goodbye Snow cones and Hello Coconut Hot chocolate from swig.

Goodbye days at the lake and Hello nights around the fire.

Goodbye blond highlights & tan skin and Hello dark hair and being white as a Vamp.

Goodbye to hanging out on a tailgate late at night and Hello to cuddle fests and movie nights, bundled with blankets and fingers entwined with (hopefully) anothers.

Goodbye to otter pops and Hello to s'mores.

Goodbye to slip and sliding, naked, on a golf course and Hello to maybe naked slip and sliding downstairs at Baylee's house when her parents go out of town. (FINGERS CROSSED)

Goodbye to hot as H-E-Double Hockey Stick days and Hello to the cold, rainy, overcast, days and Let's pray for some snow this year, Yeah?

Goodbye to the Summer jams and Hello to some Christmas music. JB does it right.

Goodbye to the careless attitude that comes with Summer and Hello to the season of giving.

Goodbye to never ending sleep overs everyday of the week and Hello to the amazing weekends we live for.

...Yeah, you get the point. As much I'm going to miss Summer, I'm definitely looking forward to some of the wonderful things that Fall brings. Yeah, I rhymed. (But I'm not a rapper.)

Shout out to Codie for giving me the idea for today's post, BTW.

I hope Fall treats everyone well! Stay smiling, readers.



Saturday, October 6, 2012


Twitter: @bshawtyyy
Instagram: brakellmwiley

Save your heart.

Hello dolls. It is Saturday and all of my friends are either at homecoming, with their boyfriend, or in Hawaii of course. So that leaves Bshawty to a movie day and layin' in bed to kill the time. Exciting right? (Yeah, not really.)
Any who, what I want to talk about today is a song by my most favoritest band to ever make music. And that band is called "Mayday Parade." They aren't so mainstream and that's one of the many things I love about them. If you're a sucker for cute acoustic love songs, Mayday Parade are definitely for you! I actually met the band this summer at warped tour and I just about died from happiness!
(Me with daaa best band in the world)
ANYWAY. Back to the point. All of their songs are pretty dang amazing. But one of their songs in particular has truly made a huge impact on my life. (As dramatic as it sounds...)
But seriously. The song is called "Save your heart." And its the perfect song to listen to if you are going through a breakup, heartbreak, or if your looking for some kind of hope when it comes to relationships and love.
Everyone wants to be in love. Everyone wants to have someone to count on and to love and cherish us no matter what. Since we are so young and our hearts are so resilient, we tend to believe that every person that starts to give us some kind of attention might be "the one." And we are left devastated when it turns out the same way it turned all the other times. We start to think that maybe something about us is wrong and that we should change who we are to impress the person who obviously never cared in the first place. We start to become so sad and start to think that we'll never find a person who could ever love us or who could ever want something more then just one night of fun. It seriously can ruin a person, and break them in ways they can never really fix.
  This song is an encouragement for anybody going through a bad relationship or heartbreak. It's an encouragement to wait for the right person and not give your heart to the first person who compliments you and makes you feel special. You should wait for the one who will fight for you. Who will love all the things you hate about yourself. To make you laugh instead of cry. To chase you down when you push them away. You should wait for the right person who leaves you breathless and who overall, will be worth dying for.
It's hard to move on and it's SO hard to forget. But you shouldn't give your heart to someone who is undeserving. And it personally took me so long to accept that.
If somebody is constantly making you feel bad about yourself and putting you down, Okay here's where you need to listen girls, Are you listening? Okay: SCREW THEM. Because all of you are amazing and he doesn't deserve to have someone as incredible and as beautiful as you.  
The right person is out there. I can promise you that. There is somebody for everybody and Heavenly Father made someone especially for you. Someone who will be everything you could ever want. High school won't last forever and neither will your heartbreak. You're going to be okay. Trust me.
Not every chapter will read the same, and not every person you open up to will break you down.
Don't lose hope my beautiful readers. And don't give yourself away to just anybody, because you are worth so much more then that.
"Save your heart for someone that's worth dying for, Don't give it away.♥"
xoxox, bshawty.

(Here's the link the "Save your heart" by Mayday Parade. I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope it helps!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

We all gotta start somewhere, Am I right?

So, once upon a time..There was a girl called Bshawty. And she wanted to start a blog.
So she did.
(Spoiler Alert: Bshawty=me) And this is my blog that I am ever so excited about. So thank for you for stopping by. ANYWAYS. Hi. My actual name is BraKell, but everyone calls me Bshawty. I'm a Southern Utah girl, born and raised in good ol' sunny St. George, Utah. And exciting as this place is, (sarcasam) I'm excited to get out of here and see the world. I'm currently sixteen years old and I'm a Junior in High school and I'm just trying to hold on to these years for as long as I can. I have four AMAAAZING best friends who I basically consider my sisters. The infamous G.W.A.F (Don't ask) Their names are Shantel, Baylee, Lilly & Codie. I seriously love those girls and we do everything together.
(From left to right: Me, Shan,Codie, Lilly and Bay)
Some more info on me... Well, my life is a series of hits and misses- As cliche' as it sounds...
All I'm trying to do is figure things out. Such as what I'm freakin' doing when it comes to my life. And who I am, and where I wanna go. And who I wanna be. And I guess any of those who want in on my many adventures on discovering who the B behind the Shawty really is can hop aboard and follow me on this blog.
I'm just a kid, ya know? I'm just a kid in the game of life.. Dreamin' a bit.. Laughin' a lot... Making too many mistakes... and not having a clue on what Life is really about. But I'm going to figure it out.
So yep. This is my life. Welcome to it Ladies and Gentleman.