Sunday, October 6, 2013


This world is full of people trying to bring us down. There will always be those people who can spot out your flaws from a mile away. Not everyone is going to see you the way they should, and everyone has a different view as what they see as beautiful. 

Sometimes people try and convince us that we are nothing. "You're ugly." "You're fat." "No one will ever like you." "You're so stupid." "Everyone hates you.", they will try and tell us. They will say these things and then, we will believe them. Some of us are so convinced that we are nothing but a giant flaw in the eyes of others, that their minds will be doomed to think this way forever. I for one, have struggled with this my entire life. I'll be the first to admit that I am far from perfect. People have drilled these thoughts in my mind and sometimes it's so hard and it's too much and all I feel like doing is crashing and burning, breaking into thousands of pieces and saying, "You've won." 

Yesterday was one of those days. I felt broken, I felt defeated, and I felt like a whole lot of nothing. I even found myself nodding my head and thinking to myself, maybe they are right. Maybe I am good for nothing. Maybe I am all of those terrible things. And I know some of you girls feel this way to. I know that some of you look in the mirror and are heartbroken at what is looking back at you. Maybe you aren't a size zero or maybe you have insecurities of not thinking you are pretty or smart or wonderful. Maybe you don't see yourself the way others see you, and maybe you've given up too.

Yes, yesterday was one of those days for me. I gave up, I was done and I was broken. I felt like I had finally reached my breaking point and all of this self-doubt that has been building up all of these years would get the best of me once again. I finally decided that the world had won and I was over trying to be good enough for a society who will see me exactly the way I have always seen myself. 

....But then, I decided screw that.
I decided that this is MY life. And I'm not going to break that easily. I'm not going to let this world tell me what I am and what I'm not. I'm not going to break and I'm not going to let them win. I am unbreakable and so are you.

You may not be a supermodel. You may not be a genius. You may be lonely, and you may be sad. But you. are. important.

There is a light inside of us all. Including you. The girl who is reading this with tears in her eyes shaking her head and doubting everything I'm saying and herself. There is a light in you. There is a reason why you have not given up yet. There is something in your heart  that has so much purpose, so much potential, so much beauty, that you don't even realize is there. Trust me, I may not be all the way there and I may be unable to tell you that I believe it sometimes either, but it's so true. Every single person on this earth is so precious and so wonderful. Everyone. There is something absolutely incredible about everyone and WHO THE HELL CARES IF SOMEONE CANNOT SEE IT. WHO CARES. BECAUSE I SEE IT. AND I CAN PROMISE YOU THAT THERE ARE OTHERS WHO SEE IT TOO. Even though the person in the mirror and the voice inside your head is disagreeing with me, I need you to promise me that you will try. I need you to promise me that you will be become unbreakable. Because if you were to break, if you were to give up on that beautiful and precious heart of yours, your light will go out. And the world cannot afford to lose your light. Your light is radiant and beaming and you are beautiful. Maybe you aren't as beautiful in something as temporary as looks, but you are beautiful deep down to your soul. And that is what truly matters. 

Don't convince others to love you. You don't even have the time to convince others if you are yet to convince yourself. The only thing that matters in the end is you. The way you feel about yourself will cancel out what others think. If you are sure of who you are and what you are made of, every rude remark, every insult, every belittling comment will bounce right off. Do not break. Do not allow yourself to be anything less then unbreakable because once you become unbreakable, you will be invincible. 

You are beautiful. You matter. You are wonderful and you are important and you are unbreakable. Don't allow the world to beat the magic out of you. They were all wrong.